
5 Things To Know About Your Student With Dyslexia

5 Things To Know About Your Student With Dyslexia Our students with dyslexia sometimes wished that they had the courage to tell their teachers some of the things below. The rest we gathered from 3 decades of close interaction with them. 1. Results may not reflect effort. Many of our students used to spend several […]

5 Things to Know about Your Patient with Dyslexia

A language disorder like dyslexia can have physical symptoms. Here are some common ones: Headaches. Our students say that their brains are on fire. Because they have difficulty processing language, their brains have to work harder to make sense of input. Very quickly, they face processing overload. Some report recurrent headaches or migraines. The site […]

5 Things to Know about Your Child with Dyslexia

Avoiding school. Naturally, a struggling student wants to avoid school. But what is the specific reason for each child? Does the teacher call on students to read aloud, embarrassing the child with reading difficulties? Do other children bully the struggling learner? In our experience, children often do not tell adults about being bullied. Or is […]

Debunking Dyslexia Myths

Myth – Dyslexia is lifelongDyslexia is due to inefficient language processes in the brain, which can be corrected. Diagnosed by certified psychologists as having dyslexia, children who used the AI program Dysolve® were able to pass state/school standardized reading tests, take no more than typical to complete schoolwork and tests, and spell, read and write […]

Understanding Dyslexia

What It IsDyslexia: reading difficulty caused by inefficient language processes in the brain.Because inefficient processes may occur in any part of the linguistic system, some people with difficulty reading also have difficulty with other language functions such as listening comprehension and writing.AI technology can locate these inefficient processes through a game interface and correct them. […]

14 Million Reasons Why You Should Care About Special Ed

In my small school district in upstate New York, we pay over $14 million a year for under 600 pupils in Special Ed. That is over $20,000 per pupil—on top of another $20,000+ that we already pay for general education for everyone. The money for Special Ed is well spent if it brings positive outcomes. […]

Parenting A Child With Dyslexia: Strategies And Support

Dyslexia is a learning condition experienced by 20% of the population worldwide. Raising a child with dyslexia presents unique challenges, but they are surmountable with the right support and strategies, allowing children with this learning challenge to still thrive academically and personally. Dyslexia treatment uses a multi-pronged approach to help children achieve their potential. Thankfully, […]

Diagnosing Dyslexia

For over 100 years, dyslexia has confounded everyone even though it affects one in five people. Initially, those affected sought help from physicians because it was mistaken for an eye problem. Although it was later found to be a language problem, the medical field still “owns” dyslexia to this day due to this historical accident. […]

The Super Strengths of Individuals with Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a reading and learning disability, yet it has not deterred some affected individuals from spectacular achievements. This group includes film director Steven Spielberg, actor Tom Cruise, entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson and investor Charles Schwab. If you spend time talking to children with dyslexia, the reasons may be apparent. The language part of their […]

4 Myths About Dyslexia Addressed By Dysolve®

Myth 1 – Dyslexia is a lifelong condition Before Dysolve®, no one knew how to correct dyslexia, also known as a reading difficulty. This is due to the complexity of the problem and its solution.Problem. People with difficulty reading are processing language inefficiently. These inefficiencies usually occur at a micro level in the brain. At […]