
Who We Are

About Us

Schools are generally designed to accommodate the average student. This leaves exceptional children at both ends of the spectrum struggling to meet their full potential. EduNational LLC was incorporated in 2007 in New York to fill the special needs of these exceptional students and their families. Our services help exceptional students thrive academically at school. Beyond that, we advise them on college selection and admissions. EduNational Asia was established in 2012 to offer these services to students abroad. We expanded our services in 2017 to individuals with dyslexia with our online Dysolve® Program. Our support staff includes technologists, educators and researchers who regularly publish in academic journals and present at national and international conferences on subjects relating to the treatment and services of these exceptional students.

Our Philosophy

Parents often invest a lot in their children’s academic needs but don’t always get the results they desire. That is why we founded EduNational® to connect parents with qualified specialists who can help them reach their goals. During their school years, children will encounter good and bad teachers and strong and weak schools. The one constant element in their lives is their parents, their first and ultimate teachers. That is why we believe in educating parents as teachers. Often, parents are the only ones left believing that their children will thrive someday when everyone else has given up. We work with families with the goal of realizing that vision instead of settling for less.

Our Mission and Values

We use our expertise creatively to identify and resolve academic problems so that every child has the best opportunity to realize his or her full potential. We understand deeply how academic achievement can impact self-esteem, social relationships, and family life. Helping a child blossom into a capable, confident, and happy adult is a noble endeavor. As such, all facets of our enterprise embody this quality. We will never waver on our core values:
  • Compassion. We treat every family with kindness as we endeavor to help their children overcome their academic problems.
  • Integrity. We respect each family’s needs, circumstances, and right to privacy and confidentiality. We explain in plain language why we recommend what we do.
  • Expertise. With specialized knowledge, competence and confidence, we aim to help each of our students in a field otherwise saturated with competing beliefs and practices. We aim to help families get on track as soon as possible so that they can return to enjoying home life.
  • Reliability. We are committed to helping those who are willing to work with us toward resolving the academic problems affecting their children.

Our Vision

We envision a world in which EduNational® leads in lifting struggling students and helping them shine in a constellation of learners, thinkers, and doers.

What We Do

Dysolve® Dyslexia

We specialize in correcting dyslexia, a reading disability. See Dysolve® Program >

Giftedness Identification

We counsel families dealing with giftedness issues. A child who has both talent and disability is called twice-exceptional. Often, high intelligence masks learning disabilities to the point that teachers do not recognize underlying problems preventing students from performing better.

EduNational Asia

EduNational Asia connects students in East and Southeast Asia to academic programs and resources in the US. We offer consulting services on college preparation and the admissions process to help high school students explore majors and schools, select colleges, and showcase their talents in their applications.