Informed Consent

Large-Scale Study of Treatment Effects on Language-Related Disorders

By clicking on Accept on the signup page, you are consenting to enroll in the Dysolve® study of treatment effects on language-related disorders (the “Study”). Please take whatever time necessary to consider whether you wish to consent to your enrollment in the Study before proceeding. By consenting to such enrollment in the Study, you are acknowledging and representing that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy, that you are at least 18 years of age and fully competent, or that your consent hereto has otherwise been authorized by your legal guardian, who is at least 18 years of age and fully competent. No child under 18 may participate in the Study without EduNational® having first received consent for such child to use the EduNational® Services, as required pursuant to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act and our Privacy Policy.

Dysolve® continually conducts research to gain new knowledge on language-related disorders and new ways to correct them. We would like to extend to you the opportunity to join this important Study. Our past research with former students enabled us to develop the Dysolve® Program you are presently using.

Many of our members elect to join this Study. You do not need to do anything extra to be part of this study; by consenting to participate in the Study, data that you provided when you registered, that was collected when you played the Dysolve® games, use the Dysolve® website and related materials, and/or use member benefits in any manner, may be used in this Study. All information gathered will be subject to the same privacy protections as stipulated in our Privacy Policy. No personal identifiers collected in connection with this Study will be used in any published study or other publication. Unless notified otherwise, your participation in this study ends when you leave or terminate your enrollment with the Dysolve® Program.

Participation in the Study is voluntary; you will not incur any penalty or loss of member benefits if you decide not to join as a research participant. There may be no personal benefit from your participation, but the knowledge received may be of value to humanity. You will not receive any monetary compensation for your participation in this Study. You may withdraw from the Study at any time without penalty or loss of member benefits. To withdraw from research participation, email us. Dysolve® may also, at its sole discretion, decide to terminate members’ participation in the Study, for any reason, at anytime.

For questions about this Large-Scale Study of Treatment Effects on Language-Related Disorders or your rights as a research participant, please email us.