
4 Myths About Dyslexia Addressed By Dysolve®

Myth 1 – Dyslexia is a lifelong condition

Before Dysolve®, no one knew how to correct dyslexia, also known as a reading difficulty. This is due to the complexity of the problem and its solution.

Problem. People with difficulty reading are processing language inefficiently. These inefficiencies usually occur at a micro level in the brain. At this granular level, the number of language processes involved is immense. And different processes are affected for different people with dyslexia.

Solution. Invent a non-invasive method to map the brain at this granular level to locate inefficient language processes specific to each person. Then retrain each brain to run these processes efficiently.

Dysolve® AI is the first and only one to operate at this precise and granular level through its generated games and thus corrected these inefficiencies. Since 2017, Dysolve® AI has succeeded in clearing students’ dyslexia. They were diagnosed with dyslexia by independent, licensed specialists. Before Dysolve®, these students were chronically below the 25th percentile in state or schools’ standardized reading tests, the threshold researchers use to classify dyslexia. After Dysolve®, these students reached/exceeded the 50th percentile and no longer needed extra support or time to complete schoolwork. Their changes were permanent.

Dysolve® AI-generated data show that dyslexic brains do process language atypically. But they learn to process language efficiently (like others) after Dysolve® training. Just because a brain operates in a certain way initially does not mean it has to remain so permanently. Scientists are only beginning to grasp the power of neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself.

Myth 2 – People with dyslexia see letters backwards

People with dyslexia do not see mirror images of letters. Dyslexia is not a visual- processing problem but a language-processing problem. Nevertheless, some people with dyslexia do mix up b and d. This is because b and d are very close in sound. People with dyslexia often lack phonemic awareness, sensitivity to the sounds of language. Without this sensitivity, they may have difficulty tying letters to sounds.

Myth 3 – Dyslexia is not a common problem

Dyslexia affects at least 1 in 5 people, or 20% of the population worldwide. It is a language processing difficulty. From Dysolve® AI-generated data, we know that more than 20% of the population have language processing difficulties to different degrees. This may partly explain why about 66% of 4th and 8th graders fail to meet reading standards every year.

Myth 4 – Children outgrow reading problems

If the reading problem is due to dyslexia, it will not magically disappear without appropriate intensive intervention. Dyslexia is different from a developmental lag in reading (delayed reading). With dyslexia, a delay in intervention may make it even harder to catch up to grade-level reading. Reading research shows that struggling readers fall further and further behind with each passing year.