
Parenting A Child With Dyslexia: Strategies And Support

Dyslexia is a learning condition experienced by 20% of the population worldwide. Raising a child with dyslexia presents unique challenges, but they are surmountable with the right support and strategies, allowing children with this learning challenge to still thrive academically and personally. Dyslexia treatment uses a multi-pronged approach to help children achieve their potential. Thankfully, all it takes to start is a dyslexia test to confirm whether or not your little one needs some guidance. This page explores the neurodevelopmental condition and how treatment can make a difference in your child’s life.

Understanding Dyslexia

Many experts define dyslexia as a neurological condition characterized by challenges with reading, writing, and spelling. As a parent, it is important to identify the signs in order to provide timely dyslexia treatment through the appropriate channels and platforms. The signs to look for in your child who has recently started to learn are challenges with phonological processing, word recognition, and decoding. That involves your youngster’s ability to analyze and manipulate the sounds of a language. 
For example, the word CAT looks simple to you because you know the individual sounds of each letter of the alphabet forming the word. A child with dyslexia, however, will have issues with recognizing the phonetic sounds of each letter and may be unable to put them together to pronounce the word altogether. It is a different thing if your little one has just started to read and get acquainted with letters. However, after a while, they should be able to identify and pronounce familiar words as they progress to harder ones. An absence of reading fluency and comprehension may require you to seek professional help.

Seeking Professional Assessment

Research has proven that children with dyslexia are often highly observant and creative. They are also big-picture thinkers, among others. Knowing what your child’s strengths can pave the way for tailored interventions that foster a positive academic experience. The only way these tailored solutions will yield the desired results is to take the bold step to get your child evaluated for dyslexia. Parents have, over the years, relied on specialists who used neuropsychological evaluations Although this screening method evaluation is extensive and covers a broad range of cognitive limitations in kids, it doesn’t dig deep in on the source of dyslexia as Dysolve® does. Purposely designed for dyslexia evaluation, this AI-powered platform uses innovative technology to find unique solutions for your child.

How Dysolve® Is Revolutionizing Dyslexia Treatment

This AI-powered treatment platform uses adaptive learning algorithms to determine the areas your child needs help. The key features of this platform include:

  • Interactive exercises
  • Progress tracking
  • Continuous adaptation
  • Personalized learning

How To Support A Child With Dyslexia At Home

You can also play a significant role in creating a positive learning environment at home. See the parenting tips in the Dysolve Blogs and Press Page. You have many opportunities to empower your children to overcome dyslexia challenges and thrive academically and personally, regardless of the size of the learning gap initially.

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash