
Why 1 in 5 Has Dyslexia

Why is dyslexia so common? Another common childhood condition, asthma, affects only about 8% of the population, compared to 20% for dyslexia.

Dyslexia involves problems with language processing. The language system in the brain is highly complex and fragile. From our decades-long fieldwork and fieldtesting, our tech firm found that just a small number of language processing problems can disrupt the whole system.

In computing, we call them ā€œpoints of failureā€ (POFs). Some of these POFs can grind the system to a halt; others cause the system to crash. You can see this play out with students with dyslexia. Some of them canā€™t recognize words; others read haltingly with great effort; yet others shut down completely.

To correct their problems, we canā€™t just clear a couple of their POFs. We have to clear ALL of them so that the system can function efficiently. Language does not work unless the brain is super-efficient in processing it. Many language processes occur in 100s of milliseconds simultaneously.

But to clear a personā€™s POFs, we have to find them first. POFs are scattered in different parts of language in different people. And POFs in one part are interrelated with those in other parts. Thus each person has a different network of POFs within complex structures made up of billions of datapoints. For example, the phonological part of language is made up of billions of possible permutations of consonants and vowels. Likewise for the other parts that make up words, sentences, etc.

The only logical approach to this problem is to use computing technology. And thatā€™s how Dysolve solves the dyslexia problem.